Monday, June 1, 2015

The Likeability Factor

"Too many people seek to establish trusting business relationships centering on likeability. I’m not suggesting that likeability isn’t good, only that it isn’t sufficient." --Scott Edinger

This SmartBlog on Leadership article by Scott Edinger, "Harnessing the power of your hidden leaders", really focuses on how executives can harness the power of these individuals in an organization. Hidden leaders are individuals who do not have a title or position of authority, but they are effective at getting things done because they know the right people or have great relationships within the organization. 

The aforementioned quote offers an important point to remember for those who are seeking to move up in an organization or business owners/entrepreneurs/sales people who are pursuing clients: Likeability is not enough to excel in an organization or get a client to make a business deal with you.

As I was typing this sentence, I stop mid-sentence to question whether this was really true.  Admittedly, this is not true for everyone in an organization, there are always some exceptions to the rule and some people do get promoted or get great assignments just because people like them. (Half-hearted reference to "The Wolf of Wall Street" movie) But for most of us, even with great technical skills and education, in order to excel in an organization or get people to buy from you, somebody in power has to like you. 

If you are the person looking to move up in leadership or attract new business opportunities, read the following article for advice on how you need to be perceived by managers/executives and clients. 

Nona O. (@womenatliberty)  

Harnessing The Power Of Your Hidden Leaders

By Scott Edinger

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