Friday, January 21, 2011

Thankful...Divine Intervention in Darkness

A few nights ago, I was driving the back roads in an unfamiliar area and I ended up on a long stretch of a dark road with no gas station in sight.  As I pulled over to the side of the road with the dashboard reading "0 miles to go", I started anxiously wondering whether I should go forward not knowing where the next gas station was for there were no lights ahead in the darkness.  Or, should I turnaround, go back down the road  behind me and most assuredly run out of gas.  I decided to drive ahead because sitting there on the side of the road was wasting gas.  

A quarter of a mile ahead I came to a fire station. I pulled in the driveway right behind a fire truck that was returning from a call.  One of the firemen got out of the truck and came over to the car to see what was wrong.  I told him that I was not from around there and that I was about to run out of gas.  He looked up and said that there was a gas station 1/2 mile down the road and, "If you run out of gas before you get there, I'll push you myself".  Thank you God!  For me, that was divine intervention.  Even though I made it to the gas station without running out of gas, the fireman's friendly face, smile, and offer of help was the reassurance I needed at that time.  

The message in this for me:  "Go forward!  I am with you even in unfamiliar and dark territory."  

I hope this blesses someone.  Have a great day!

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